Patterns Study View

Bladder Damp Heat

red with yellow coating
slippery, rapid
Frequent, urgent, burning and painful urination, plus damp-heat signs and symptoms [Qiao]
Frequent urination, urgent and painful urination, dark colored urination, bloody urine. Red tongue with yellow coating, a slippery and rapid pulse, Heat Lin, Blood Lin, Stone Lin, Gao Lin [Qiao]

Bladder Deficiency Cold

pale, white and greasy coating
deep, weak
Frequent clear and copious urine day or night, incontinence, plus yang deficiency signs and symptoms [Qiao]
Frequent urination with clear urine or bedwetting, intolerance of cold, cold limbs, lassitude, listlessness. A pale tongue with white greasy, and a deep and weak pulse [Qiao]

Gallbladder Heat

Red with yellow coating
Wiry, Rapid
Jaundice, alternating chills and fever, thirst and desire to drink water [Qiao]
Acute, jaundice, fever or alternating chills and fever, a bitter taste in the mouth, frequent sighing, unceasing retching, hyper-tonicity and pain below the ribs, yellow urine, bound stools, a red tongue with yellow coating, and a wiry and rapid pulse [Qiao]

Gallbladder Phlegm Heat Stagnation

red, thick yellow greasy coat
wiry, slippery
Timidness, easily startled, insomnia [Qiao]
Dizziness, tinnitus, bitter taste in mouth, chest distress, hypochondria distention, timidness, easily startled, insomnia, and dream disturbs sleeping. Red tongue with thick yellow greasy coating, a slippery and wiry pulse[Qiao]
AKA: Heat phlegm in the Gallbladder, Depressed Gallbladder with Phlegm Harassing

Gallbladder Qi Deficiency

Wiry, Thready, Weak
Timidity, easily startled, suspicion and lack of courage, plus qi deficiency signs and symptoms [Qiao]
Dizziness, blurred vision, nervousness, timidity, propensity towards being easily startled, suspicion, lack of courage and initiative, difficulty making decisions when needed, insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, shortness of breath, pale tongue, thready and wiry pulse, or weak pulse.[Qiao]

Heart and Kidney Disharmony/ Yin Xu

Red tongue with redder tip, no coat, mid-line heart crack
Thready, Rapid, Deep, Weak, Floating, or Empty
Irritability, seminal emissions, hot flashes, and lower back ache. [Qiao]
"With heart empty heat": Night sweating, Palpitations, Insomnia, 5 Sole heat, Weakness, Soreness of low back & knees, Sexual problems, Malar flush, Little thirst, Tinnitus, Easily startled, Anxiety, Vertigo, Anxiety, Dream disturbed sleep, Poor memory, Nocturnal emissions, Evening heat, Dry throat at night, Thirst with desire to drink in small amounts, Steaming bone, Scanty dark urine, Dry stool [Maciocia] • Palpitations, insomnia, vexation, dream disturbed sleep, dizziness, tinnitus, dry mouth, malar flush, five center heat, night sweats, weakness and aching of the lower back and knees, seminal emissions; a red tongue with little or no coating, and a thready and rapid pulse [Qiao]
menopausal syndrome

Heart and Kidney Yang Deficiency

Ⓣ pale, purple with slippery white coat
deep, weak, slow, thready
weak, cold, palpitations, edema, cold hands [Maciocia] • Palpitations, edema, plus yang deficiency symptoms [Qiao]
"Water overflowing to Heart": Edema in legs and ankles, cold limbs, cold back, abdominal distension, abdominal fullness, lower back pain, scanty urination, dislike cold, palpitations, breathlessness, cold hands, yin edema (below the waist), sexual problems [Maciocia] • Palpitations, edema on the face and lower extremities, scanty or difficult urination, fear of cold, cold limbs, physical and mental fatigue, sleepiness, dark and dim facial complexion and purplish lips, pale and purple tongue, a white slippery tongue coating, and a deep, faint and thready pulse[Qiao]
chronic renal failure

Heart and Liver Blood Deficiency

pale, thin
fine, choppy
pale complexion, dizziness, palpitation, dry nails, dry eyes, shen issues [Maciocia] • Palpitations, poor memory, numbness, irritability, plus blood deficiency pattern signs and symptoms [Qiao]
Pale, Dizziness, Numbness, Palpitation, Insomnia, Dream-disturbed sleep, Poor memory, Eye problems (Blurry vision, night blindness), Scanty menses, Amenorrhea, Cramps, Muscular weakness, Dry hair, Dry skin, Depression, Brittle nails, Easily startled, Vertigo [Maciocia] • Palpitations, poor memory, insomnia, dream disturbed sleep; dry eyes, blurry vision, dry and withered nails, numbness or spasms of extremities; irritability, dizziness, tinnitus, pale facial complexion, light and scanty menstruation or amenorrhea, a pale tongue with white coating, and a thready and weak pulse [Qiao]
AKA: HT Blood and LV Blood Deficiency

Heart and Lung Qi Deficiency

pale, white coating
deep, weak, empty (both Cun)
weakness, cough, palpitations, SOB-exertion worse, dislike cold, sighing [Maciocia] • Palpitations, cough and panting, difficult breathing, plus qi deficiency signs and symptoms[Qiao]
Weakness, Lack of energy, Palpitations, Weak cough / sputum / asthma, Tiredness, Dislike talking, Sighing, Spontaneous sweat, Easily catch colds, Complexion-white, SOB worse on exertion, depression, Dislike cold [Maciocia] • Palpitation, cough and panting, shortness of breath, fatigue, and symptoms worse with exertion. There are also may have chest oppression, copious thin sputum, pale facial complexion, dizziness, spontaneous sweating, weak and low voice. A pale tongue with white coating, and deep and weak pulse [qiao]

Heart Blood and Spleen Qi Deficiency

pale, tender
weak, thready, thin, intermittent, choppy
Weakness, Pale complexion, Palpitations, Poor memory, Poor appetite, Loose stool [Maciocia] • coexistence of palpitations, insomnia, poor appetite and the bleeding or bruising [Qiao]
Pale complexion, Pale lips, Dizziness, Numbness, Palpitations, Insomnia, Dream-disturbed sleep, Poor memory, Weak muscles & limbs, Atrophy, Fatigue, Poor appetite, Anxiety, Scanty periods, Loose stool, Easily startled [Maciocia] • Palpitation, poor memory, insomnia, dream disturbs sleep; poor appetite, abdominal bloating and loose stool, fatigue; dizziness, subcutaneous bleeding, light and scanty menstruation bleeding, spotting or prolong menstruation bleeding, pale tender tongue, and a thready and weak pulse [Qiao]
AKA: Heart and Spleen Deficiency, Heart and Spleen Blood Deficiency

Heart Blood Deficiency

pale, slightly dry, thin
choppy, fine, thin, weak, feeble
palpitations, paleness, Insomnia, dream disturbed sleep [Maciocia] • palpitation, insomnia, poor memory plus blood deficiency symptoms and signs [Qiao]
Insomnia, Easily startled, Fatigue, Dream disturbed sleep, Palpitations, Dizziness, Poor memory, Vertigo, Anxiety, Pallor, Restless organ syndrome (excessive anxiety), blurry vision [Maciocia] • palpitation, insomnia, dream disturbed sleeping, dizziness, blurry vision, poor memory, dull pale complexion, pale lips and tongue, feeble and thin pulse [Qiao]
anemia • anxiety • hysteria • depression • panic attack • arrhythmia • COPD • congestive heart failure • PTSD • dementia

Heart Fire Ascending

red, red prickles, yellow coat, midline crack to lips, sores
rapid, hasty
Palpitation, vexation, ulcers, dark urine, painful urination, Lin syndrome [Maciocia] • insomnia, irritability, vexation, manic behaviors, red tongue tip or tongue ulcers, normal mental behaviors compared to HT Phlegm Fire[Qiao]
Mental restlessness, Vexation, Insomnia, Dream disturbed sleep, Red face, Thirst w/ desire to drink cold water, Ulceration and pain of mouth and tongue, Heat sensation in chest, Dark urine, Bloody urine, Hesitant painful urination if severe, Bitter taste after poor sleep [Maciocia] • Vexation and hot sensation in chest, irritability, agitated, insomnia, flushed face, thirst and preference of drinking water, yellow urine, dry stool, deep red tongue tip, or tongue ulcers, rapid and forceful pulse. Or manic behavior, delirium, or even hemtemesis, nose bleeding [Qiao]

Heart Fire Transmitting to Small Intestine

deep red, dry
forceful, rapid
Canker sores, fever, burning and painful urination. –  Improper diet, emotional stress –  Heart fire flair up lead insomnia, canker sore, restlessness –  Heart fire pouring down to small intestine, pathogenic heat disturbs small intestine separating clear from turbid function, result dark, burning and painful urination [Qiao]
Fever that is higher during the night and mild during the day, insomnia, restless, canker sores, dry mouth, thirst and preference for cold drink, scanty dark urine with burning pain, deep red tongue; and a forceful and rapid pulse [Qiao]
AKA: Heart Fire Pouring Downward

Heart Phlegm Fire

red tongue, yellow greasy sticky coat
rapid, slippery, forceful
delirium, palpitation, throat gurgling, thick yellow sputum, red face [Maciocia] • Yang madness plus heat phlegm symptoms and signs [Qiao]
Mental confusion, Mania, Aggressive behavior, Insomnia, Dream-disturbed sleep, Flushed face, Coarse breathing, Constipation, Dark urine, Fever, Fidgeting, Wheezing, Gurgling sound in throat, Thick yellow sputum, Delirium, Aimless wandering, Palpitations, Thirst [Maciocia] • Flushed face, fever, thirst, harsh breathing, fidget, mania, restlessness, slurred speech, delirium, rattling sound in throat, yellow sputum, constipation, dark yellow urine. Insomnia, vexation, incoherent speech, uncontrolled laughing or cry, muttering shouting, manic behavior. Red tongue, greasy yellow coating, a slippery pulse. [Qiao]
AKA: Phlegm Fire Harassing the Heart

Heart Qi Deficiency

pale, white coat
empty, knotted, abrupt, rapid but no strength
Palpitations, Paleness, SOB worse with exertion
palpitations, pale complexion, spontaneous sweating, mild depression, sob-worse with exertion, fatigue, chest pain, insomnia, forgetfulness, fright [Maciocia] • palpitation, oppression in the chest, shortness of breath worse with exertion, listlessness, fatigue, pale face, spontaneous sweating, a pale tongue with white coating, a weak pulse, or a knotted, intermittent pulse [Qiao]
angina • arrhythmia • anxiety • panic attacks • myocarditis • pericarditis • COPD • hypothyroidism • insomnia • Alzheimer's disease

Heart Vessel Obstruction

varies by pathogen
varies by pathogen
chest pain radiate to the shoulder, back or arm [Qiao]
ⓢPalpitation, oppression and pain in the chest that radiate to the shoulder, back and medial aspect of the upper arms. BY BLOOD STASIS - Sharp, pricking or stabbing pain, worse at night Ⓣ purple Ⓟ choppy, thready. BY PHLEGM - Oppression, chocking pain, overweight body, profuse phelgm, Ⓣ white greasy coating Ⓟ slippery. BY COLD - acute severe pain, relieved by warms, hate cold, cold limbs Ⓣ pale Ⓟ deep, slow, tight. BY QI YU - distending pain, worse with stress, hypochondriac distention Ⓣslight red Ⓟ wiry[Qiao,32]
AKA: Heart Blood Stasis, Heart Phlegm Obstruction, Heart Cold Obstruction, Heart Qi Stagnation

Heart with Water Qi Encroaching

pale, white slippery coating
Palpitations, shortness of breath, chest tightness and oppression, edema, difficult urination, thirst but no desire to drink, nausea, vomiting, poor appetite, panting, dizziness, cold limbs, pale tongue, deep pulse. TWO SUBTYPES: Thin Mucus Obstructing the Heart (饮阻于心,productive cough with profuse white foaming phlegm, oppression and tightness in the chest, in ability to lie down flat, facial edema), Water-Dampness Invading Upward (水湿上犯,Whole-body edema worse in the lower extremities, abdominal bloating and distention, scanty or difficult urination, pale and flabby tongue, deep, slow and deficient pulse). [Qiao]
AKA: Moisture Affecting the Heart

Heart Yang Collapse

pale, purple, blue, short
hidden, scattered, minute, faint, irregular
palpitations, blue lips, profuse sweating, pearl like sweating, cold, SOB [Maciocia] • suddenly chest pain, cold sweating, or lost consciousness, Plus yang collapse symptoms and signs [Qiao]
Palpitations, Lips-cyanosis, Severe chest pain, Complexion-gray/pale, Coma, Persistent profuse pearl-like sweating, Cold limbs, SOB, Shallow breathing, Yang collapse symptoms [Maciocia] • Developed from heart yang deficiency, suddenly profuse cold sweating (pearl-like sweating), cold extremities, feeble and sallow breathing, pale complexion, or severe pain in the chest area, cyanosis of lips, scatter or minute pulse. In severe case, patient lost consciousness or in coma [Qiao]
Wind Stroke • Chest Pain • Panic attack • Angina • COPD • Myocarditis • Arrhythmia • CVA • Congestive heart failure • Hypoglycemia

Heart Yang Deficiency

pale, flabby, moist white coating
weak, deep, minute, knotted, intermittent
Heart Qi deficiency + yang deficiency symptoms (palpitations, chest pain) [Maciocia] • Palpitation, oppression and distress or pain in the chest, plus yang deficiency symptoms [Qiao]
palpitations, fatigue, spontaneous sweating, chest pain, slight depression, sob-exertion worse, cold sensation, cold limbs, cold intolerance - better with warmth, dark lips, pale complexion, ankle and feet edema [Maciocia] • Palpitation, oppression and distress or pain in the chest, intolerance of cold, cold limbs, SOB, fatigue, listlessness, bright-pale face, spontaneous sweating, a pale flabby tongue with white slippery coating, a minute, or knotted, intermittent pulse, or a deep, slow and weak pulse. There are may edema in ankle and feet [Qiao]
anemia • angina • congestive heart disease • myocarditis • arrhythmia

Heart Yin and Yang Deficiency

pale if Yang xu > Yin xu, red/no coating if Yin xu > yang Xu
floating, empty, weak
palpitations, SOB, poor memory, cold limbs, Malar flush
Palpitations, Cold sensation, Cold limbs, Poor memory, Malar flush, Mental restlessness, chest fullness, SOB, Easily startled [Maciocia]

Heart Yin Deficiency

red, no coat, deep midline crack to lips
thready/rapid, floating/empty
palpitations, 5 soles heat, insomnia, dryness [Maciocia] • palpitation, insomnia, plus yin deficiency [Qiao]
insomnia, dream disturbed sleep, fever in the afternoon or evenings, dry throat, dry skin, dry eyes, mental restlessness, 5 sole heat, night sweating, bloody cough, anxiety, palpitations, vertigo [Maciocia] • palpitation, insomnia, dream disturbs sleeping, feverish sensation in the five center, irritability, night sweating, hectic cheek, fever in the afternoon or evening, dry throat, red tongue with little coating, a thready and rapid pulse [Qiao]
menopause symptoms • anxiety • anemia • anxiety

Kidney and Liver Yin Xu

red, dry, no coat, or normal
thready, rapid, weak, wiry, floating-empty
4 smalls, dry eyes, blurred vision, dry throat, weak/sore lower back, dryness [Maciocia] • Weakness of the low back and knee, hypochondriac pain tinnitus, dizziness, seminal emission plus deficiency heat symptoms [Qiao]
Night sweating, 5 Sole heat, Malar flush, Little thirst, Burning pain in hypochondrium, Eye problems, Tinnitus, Weakness, Soreness of low back & knees, Sexual problems, Bitter taste, Dry mouth and throat, Constipation, Occipital headache, Vertex headache, Limb numbness/tingling, Scanty menses, Delayed menses, Infertility, Insomnia, Dry stool, Dizziness, Tinnitus, Dry hair, Dry skin, Brittle nails, Dry vagina, Night sweats, Diminished hearing, amenorrhea [Maciocia] • dizziness or vertigo, blurry vision, tinnitus, poor memory, dry mouth and throat, insomnia, dream disturbed sleep, hypochondriac pain, knee and lower back aching and weakness, five center heat sensation, night sweating, hectic fever. Spermtorrhea in male, and scanty and short menstruation for female. A red tongue or crack tongue, with scanty coating, a thin and wiry pulse [Qiao]
postmenopausal syndrome

Kidney Cannot Grasp Qi

pale, flabby
big, without root
panting, dyspnea, inhale > exhale, plus Kidney qi deficiency symptoms and signs [Qiao]
WHEEZING AND ASTHMA WITH DIFFICULT INHALATION, SOB, and symptoms worse with exertion. Feeble voice, spontaneous sweating, fatigue, soreness and weakness in lumbar and knee region.[Qiao]
COPD, chronic bronchitis, chronic asthma, emphysema

Kidney Essence Deficiency

deep, thready
Growth retardation for children; sterility, infertility, or premature aging for adults, without apparent heat or cold signs
Soreness and weakness of the lumbar region and knees. For children: poor physical and mental development, “five kinds develop delay” and “five kinds flaccidity”. For adult: senility, premature graying of hair, loss of hair and teeth, sterility or infertility, pale tongue and deep thready pulse [Qiao]

Kidney Qi Deficiency

pale, flabby
deep, weak
soreness, weakness and aching of the lumbar region and knees, a deep and weak pulse[Qiao]
Soreness, weakness and aching of the lumbar region and knees, dizziness, fatigue, loss hearing, or tinnitus, frequency urination at night, a pale flabby tongue, and a deep, weak pulse. KD Qi xu has 2 types: Kidney Qi Failing to Secure and Kidney Failing to Grasp Qi [Qiao]

Kidney Qi Failing to Secure

Urinary Bladder or Kidney failed to consolidate symptoms and signs, such as frequent urination, dribbling after urine, nocturnal urination, incontinence, enuresis, spermatorrhea, premature ejaculation, clear copious vaginal discharge, habitual miscarriage etc. [Qiao]
soreness and weakness of the lumbar region and knee, lassitude, listlessness, tinnitus, lost hearing, copious frequent urination, nocturnal urination, incontinence of urine, bedwetting, enuresis. For men: spermatorrhea, premature ejaculation; for women: continue menstrual spotting, or clear copious vaginal discharge, or habitual miscarriage. A pale tongue, weak pulse [Qiao]

Kidney Yang Deficiency

pale, puffy
deep, feeble
cold limbs, plus Kidney qi deficiency signs and symptoms [Qiao]
Soreness, weakness and aching of the lumbar region and knees with cold sensation, intolerance of cold, cold limbs, early morning diarrhea, loose stool with undigested food, copious frequently urination, or frequent night urination, or difficult urination, edema, a pale puffy tongue and a deep and feeble pulse. For man: impotence, spermatorrhea, premature ejaculation; for women: menstruation disorder or infertility [Qiao]
Δ STOOL: LI Xu Cold - duck droppings, SP Yang Xu - intermittent soft/loose stool, worse with cold greasy food, KD Yang Xu - early morning diarrhea

Kidney Yang Deficiency Water Effusion

pale, flabby, white coating
deep, weak, thready
Pitting edema worse in the lower extremities, scanty urination, intolerance of cold and cold limbs. In addition to the Kidney, this pattern must involve at least two other organs (Heart, Lung, and/or Spleen). [Qiao]
General pitting edema with greater severity in the lower extremities, abdominal distention, scanty urine, shortness of breath, cough and asthma with sputum gurgling in the throat, palpitations, asthma aggravated by exertion, intolerance of cold and cold extremities. Pale flabby tongue body with white coating. Deep thready and weak pulse. [Qiao]

Kidney Yin Deficiency

red, scanty coating
thready, rapid
Yin deficiency signs. Nocturnal emissions, menses issues
Soreness and weakness of the lumbar and knee, dizziness, tinnitus, insomnia, malar flush, tidal fever, night sweats, five centers heat sensation, bone steam fever, dry throat and mouth, insomnia, poor memory, emaciation, red tongue with scanty coating, a thready and rapid pulse. For men: nocturnal emissions; for women, scant menses, dysmenorrhea or heavy menses [Qiao]

Large Intestine Damp Cold

thick white, greasy coat
tight, wiry
Watery diarrhea with borborygmi, paroxysmal cold pain of the umbilicus and abdominal cold pain [Qiao]
acute onset, rumbling intestines, cold pain of the umbilicus and abdomen, clear and watery diarrhea, white and glossy tongue coating and a moderate pulse [Qiao]

Large Intestine Damp Heat

yellow sticky coat [Maciocia] • yellow greasy coat [Qiao]
slippery, rapid
Diarrhea, Heat [Maciocia] • Fever, thirst with desire to drink cold water, diarrhea, dysentery, damp heat signs [Qiao]
Bacterial dysentery, Stomach bug, Abdominal pain, Tenesmus, Bloody stool, Diarrhea, Painful urgent frequent urination, Fever, Thirst, Burning anus sensation, Scanty intense yellow urine [Maciocia] • Abdominal pain, diarrhea, with pus and blood, tenesmus, loose stools with discomfort or burning sensation of the anus, foul stools, possibly fever, a red tongue with yellow greasy coating, and a slippery and rapid pulse [Qiao]

Large Intestine Deficiency Cold

pale with white coat
weak, deep, slow, forceless
DUCK DROPPING DIARRHEA, Dull abdominal pain, Cold [Maciocia] • chronic diarrhea, dull abdominal pain, plus interior deficiency cold signs and symptoms [Qiao]
Diarrhea (like duck droppings), Constipation, Fatigue, Abdominal cold pain alleviated by pressure, Inability to defecate, Cold aversion, Clear urine [Maciocia] • Chronic diarrhea, dull abdominal pain, preference for warmth and pressure, intolerance of cold, cold limbs, a pale tongue with white tongue coating, and a deep slow and forceless pulse [Qiao]
Δ STOOL: LI Xu Cold - muddy/duck droppings. SI Xu Cold - soft. SP Yang Xu - intermittent soft/loose stool, worse with cold greasy food. KD Yang Xu - early morning diarrhea.

Large Intestine Heat Accumulation

thick dry yellow coating or a dark brown coating with thorns [Qiao]
deep, forceful
Severe abdominal pain resistant to pressure, distension, bloating, constipation with dry stool, thirsty with desire to drink, plus interior excess heat symptoms and signs.
High fever that peaks at 3:00 pm (tidal fever), abdominal pain and distention that’s resistant to touch or pressure, severe constipation, thirst and desire to drink water. Or, diarrhea with dark greenish watery stool and strong foul odor. Or, coma, delirium, manic, irritable and insomnia. A tongue with a thick dry yellow coating or a dark brown coating with thorns and a deep and forceful pulse. [Qiao]

Liver and Gallbladder Damp Heat

red, yellow, greasy Coat
soggy, rapid, wiry
Bitter taste, hypochondriac pain, yang jaundice, scanty dark urine [Maciocia] • Hypochondriac distension, poor appetite, abdominal bloating, yellow skin and eyes, itching in genital area, accompany with damp heat symptoms [Qiao]
Hypochondrial pain, fullness and distension, nausea, vomiting, inability to digest fats, yellow complexion, scanty and dark yellow urine, fever, thirst without desire to drink, bitter taste, dizziness, yellow sclera, tinnitus, irritability, feeling of heaviness of the body, limb numbness, feet swelling, burning urination, dysuria, excessive vaginal discharge, loose stool or constipation, alternation of hot and cold feeling, genital papular skin rashes and itching, scrotum swelling and heat [Maciocia] • Alternative chill and fever, distention pain in hypochondriac region; bitter taste, thirst without large fluid intake, nausea, poor appetite, alternately constipated or loose stool, yellowish urine, body and eyes jaundiced, abdominal distention, fever, vaginal discharge or itching; scrotum itching or swollen. A yellow greasy tongue coating, and a wiry and rapid pulse [Qiao]

Liver and Spleen Disharmony

white coating
weak, wiry
Distension and pain the hypochondriac region, abdominal pain and intestinal rumbling, borborygmus, irregular bowl movement, poor appetite [Qiao]
Distention and pain in abdominal and hypochondriac area, sigh frequently, depression, irritability, easily anger, poor appetite, bloating, loose stool with incomplete feeling, or rumbling sound in intestine, gas, or abdominal pain and diarrhea, pain relieved after diarrhea, or watery stool. Alternating constipation and loose stools. White tongue coating, wiry or weak pulse [Qiao]
AKA: Liver Qi Stagnation With Spleen Qi Deficiency, Liver Overacting on Spleen
Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Liver and Stomach Disharmony

normal, slightly red on sides
wiry-left, weak-right, wiry middle position
Vomiting, belching, sighing, epigastric oppression, hypochondriac pain [Maciocia] • Distending pain in hypochondriac and abdominal region, with hiccup or belching. [Qiao]
Irritability, epigastric and hypochondrial distension and pain, a feeling of oppression in the epigastrium, sour regurgitation, hiccup, belching, nausea, vomiting, sighing, weak limbs [Maciocia] • Distention, and pain in epigastria and hypochondriac area, belching, hiccup, nausea or even vomiting, acid regurgitation, depression, irritability, sigh, poor appetite. Thin white or thin yellow coating, and wiry, slight rapid pulse [Qiao]
AKA: Rebellious Liver Qi Invading Stomach [Maciocia]

Liver Blood Deficiency

pale, maybe orange sides
pale complexion, numbness, dizziness, night blindness, blurry vision. [Maciocia] • Malnourishment of tendons, eyes, and nails, plus blood deficiency symptoms and signs
Scanty menses, Blurred vision, Night blindness, Eye floaters, Muscular weakness, Palpitations, Insomnia, Dry hair, Dry skin, Pale complexion, Pale lips, Numbness, Dizziness, Amenorrhea, Blurring vision, Night blindness, Depression, Petechiae, Painful menses, Impotence, Roughness of genital tissue [Maciocia] • Dizziness, tinnitus; blurry vision, dry eyes, or night blind, or floaters; pale, brittle or withered nails, numbness of limbs, muscle twitching, joints stiffness, trembling of hand and feet. In women, scanty menses with light color bleeding, or amenorrhea; pale lips and tongue, wiry and thready pulse [Qiao] • For numbness and tingling - both sides is Blood Xu, one sided is Blood Yu

Liver Blood Stagnation

wiry, choppy, irregular
stabbing pain or masses along the Liver channel
Sharp pain or masses in the hypochondrium or lateral abdomen, vomiting blood, epistaxis, dysmenorrhea with dark blood and clots, irregular menses, infertility, purple nails and lips, purple or dark complexion, dry skin, purple petechiae, purple tongue, especially on the sides [Qiao]

Liver Cold Retention

white, slippery coating
slow, wiry, deep
Contracture of scrotum, Cold pain in the lower abdomen, cold limbs and body[Qiao]
Excess Cold. Cold pain in bilateral lower abdomen or genital or contracture of scrotum, pain aggravated by cold and relieved by warmth, cold limbs, vomiting of clear mucus, a white slippery tongue coating, and a deep, slow and wiry pulse [Qiao]

Liver Fire Attack the Lung

red with thin yellow coating • red with redder sides and dry yellow coating
wiry, rapid
Cough, or cough with blood, burning pain sensation in the chest or hypochondria region, irritability and easy angry, accompany with internal excess heat symptoms. [Qiao]
Breathlessness, asthma, a feeling of fullness and distension of the chest and hypochondrium, cough with a yellow or blood-tinged sputum, headache, dizziness, red face, thirst, bitter taste, bloodshot eyes, scanty dark urine, constipation [Maciocia] • Hypochondria burning pain, irritability, easily anger, dizziness, distension headaches, red face and eye, bitter taste in the mouth, paroxysmal cough, or cough with blood, scanty yellow sticky sputum, a red tongue with thin yellow coating, and wiry and rapid pulse [Qiao]