Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine by Chevallier

Book provide high level details of eastern and western herbs.  Descriptions of habitat, cultivation, constituents, key actions and uses are a great way to start the journey.  Clear and detailed photos.

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Formulas and Strategies by Bensky

A comprehensive reference on Chineses herbal formulas.  It analysis each formula for chief/deputy/assistant/envoy and how the actions from each herb supports the prescription. School text book.

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Foundations of Chinese Medicine by Maciocia

A excellent textbook on Chinese medicine and acupuncture.  It discusses in detail the use of acupuncture points and the principles of treatment. The book references ancient and modern Chinese texts, and explains the application of theory in the context of Western clinical practice.  School text book.

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Materia Medica by Bensky

A comprehensive reference on Chinese medicinal herbs, channels, constinuents, actions, indications, major combinations, dosage, alternative names and more.  School text book.

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Prescription for Herbal Healing by Balch

A reference for common disorders and herbal remedies that can treat them.  

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Ten Key Formula Families by Dr. Huang Huang

A different view clinical view of Chinese medicine.  Groups formulas by family.  Helps students better memorize and understand the key Chinese formulas.

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Visual Material Medica of Chinese Herbs

Book contains large photos of various Chinese herbs. It’s primarily useful for visual identification.  It also marks what channels they serve.  May be useful when studying for the certification exam.

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The Web That Has No Weaver by Kaptchuk

This is an excellent book for new students just before they start CM school or for a newbie who wants to understand the high level theories behind CM.  It explains, at a high level, the meridians, patterns, pulse diagnosis, etc.  A good supplemental read for the Foundation of Chinese Medicine.  

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