Disorders Show Disorders Related to Patterns



Red face and eyes, emotional depression, easily angered, dizziness, headache, chest oppression and frequent sighing, distension and pain in the hypochondria and breast area, and plum-pit syndrome. In severe cases, vomiting or cough with blood, or sudden fainting can be seen. Wiry pulse [Qiao]

Bladder Damp Heat

Frequent urination, urgent and painful urination, dark colored urination, bloody urine. Red tongue with yellow coating, a slippery and rapid pulse, Heat Lin, Blood Lin, Stone Lin, Gao Lin [Qiao]
red with yellow coating
slippery, rapid
Clear heat, promote urination, unblock painful urinary dysfunction[Qiao]
BL22, BL63, BL66, REN3, SP6, SP9, ST28 [Qiao]
Ba Zhen San, Wu Ling San

Bladder Deficiency Cold

Frequent urination with clear urine or bedwetting, intolerance of cold, cold limbs, lassitude, listlessness. A pale tongue with white greasy, and a deep and weak pulse [Qiao]
pale, white and greasy coating
deep, weak
Warm yang, tonify Kidneys, Stop urinary frequency and leakage [Qiao]
BL22, BL23, BL28, DU4, REN4, ST36 [Qiao] • KD3
Ji Sheng Shen Qi Wan, Suo Quan Wan [Qiao]

Bladder Foot Taiyang Channel

Impotence • sole heat • irregular menses • nocturnal emission • frequent urination • enuresis • asthma • edema • dry tongue • hemoptysis • lumbar pain • lumbago • mental restlessness • urine retention • stifling chest sensation • LUO (BL-58): headache • congestion • runny nose • back pain • epistaxis

Blood Cold

Cold and pain in feet, hands and lower abdomen which can be relieved by warmth; dysmenorrhea, dark purple menses w clots.
Sheng Di Huang, Mu Dan Pi, Chi Shao, Huang Qin, Di Gu Pi, Ou Jie

Blood Deficiency

Sallow complexion, Pale lips, pale gums, Dizziness, Blurry vision, Palpitations, Insomnia, Numbness of hands and feet, Poor circulation, Dark skin, scanty menses or amenorrhea, poor memory, dream-disturbed sleep, pale lips, pale tongue
Tonify Blood
ST 36, SP 6, SP 10, RN 12, LI 10, BL 17, BL 20
Gou Qi Zi, Shu Di Huang, Dang Gui, Da Zao, E Jiao, Chuan Xiong

Blood Heat

Mental restlessness, Mania if severe, Dry mouth, Hemorrhage, Excess menstural flow, Rash, Petechia, Epistaxis, Hemoptysis, Hematemesis, Hematuria
Rapid/ Floating
Clear blood heat, Nourish blood, Moisten dryness
Jing-Well, Ying-Spring, He-Sea, Ear Apex, DU 14, BL 40
Sheng Di Huang, Mu Dan Pi, Chi Shao, Huang Qin, Di Gu Pi, Ou Jie

Blood Stagnation

Pain (piercing, burning, stabbing) aggravated at night, refuses pressure, worse with exercise, fixed location; dark complexion, purple lips, masses/lumps that do not move, bleeding with dark blood and clots, squamous/dry skin, menorrhagia/amenorrhea/dysmenorrhea. –Liver blood stagnation –Heart blood stagnation –Lung blood stagnation –Stomach blood stagnation –Intestines blood stagnation –Uterus blood stagnation [Qiao]
purple or dark spots on side; possible distended purple veins underside.
choppy, irregular

Blood Stasis

clots, thrombosis, dysmenorrhea, fixed stabbing pain. Blood stasis can cause blood stagnation.
Purple spots

Chong Channel

Pain in abdomen • ASTHMA • Infertility • Irregular menses • Qi rebellion • Sea of Blood


EXTERNAL (Cold Attack Exterior) • INTERNAL (Cold Attack Interior, Cold Bi)
pale, white coating
tight, wiry

Dai Channel

cold water soaking sensation • uterus prolapse • muscle atrophy • Abdominal distention • weak lumbar • leukorrhea • irregular menses • weak lower limbs


EXTERNAL (Dampness Attack the Exterior). INTERNAL (Dampness Invasion, Damp Bi, Damp Warmth, Damp Rash/Eczema)
thick, greasy coating
soft, slippery

Deficiency Cold

Chronic disease states • Relatively longer disease duration • Chills, Headache, Body Ache, Sneezes, Cough, Nasal Congestion or Drip • NO Fever • NO Thirst • NO Sweating • Cold Signs • White Coating • Pale Tongue • Slow Pulse
Blue, Pale, Dusky
Slow, Weak
Warm Cold, Tonify Qi
BL 23, DU 4, KD 3
Shen Qi Wan

Deficiency Heat

Fever • Thirst • Sweating • NO Cold Signs • Yellow Coating • Red Tip • Rapid Pulse, Weakness
Thin, Rapid
Tonify Yin
BL 52, KD 3, KD 6
Liu Wei Di Huang Wan // Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan


Warm Dryness, Cool Dryness
rapid, thin

DU Channel

opisthotonos • headache • epilepsy • spinal column issues • LUO (DU-01): head tremors • spinal column disorder • heavy head • LUO: (DU-01) spinal column stiffness, heavy head, head tremors • Sea of Yang

Excess Cold

Chronic disease states, Relatively longer disease duration, Chills, Headache, Body Ache, Sneezes, Cough, Nasal Congestion or Drip, NO Fever, NO Thirst, NO Sweating, Cold Signs, White Coating, Pale Tongue, Slow Pulse, bluish purple lips
Blue, Pale, Dusky
Slow, Tight, Short
Warm Cold
RN 4, RN 6, PC 6, ST 36, Moxa
Liang Fu Wan

Excess Heat

Fever Thirsty, Sweating, NO Cold Signs, Yellow Coating, Red Tip, Rapid Pulse, red swollen sore throat
Red, Big, Swollen, Thick, Yellow
Big, Rapid, Surging
Clear heat
DU 14, LI 4, LI 11, ST 44
Bai Hu Tang

Exterior Deficiency Cold (Wind attack)

• Sudden onset of symptomology • Relatively short disease duration • Chills and Fever, Headache, Body Ache, Sneezes, Cough, Nasal Congestion or Drip
Normal, Thin white coat
Floating/ Superficial/ Weak
Release Exterior, Stop sweating
LI11, LI4, DU14, Cupping
Jin Yin Hua, Bo He, Gui Zhi, Xi Xin, Sang Ye

Exterior Excess Cold (Cold Attack)

• Sudden onset of symptomology • Relatively short disease duration • Chills and Fever, Headache, Body Ache, Sneezes, Cough, Nasal Congestion or Drip
Thin white coat
Floating/ Superficial/ Tight
Release exterior, Warm cold, Boost yang, Promote sweating
LI 4, LU 7, GB 20
Ma Huang Tang

Exterior Heat

• Sudden onset of symptomology • Relatively short disease duration • Chills and Fever, Headache, Body Ache, Sneezes, Cough, Nasal Congestion or Drip
Thin white coat
Floating, Full, Replete, Surging, Superficial, Big
Clear heat, Release exterior
LI 4, LI 11, DU 14, LU 7, GB 20, LU 11
Yin Qiao San, Gan Mao Ling


Confusion, panic, overwhelming feelings of fear, nervousness, paranoia and delusion to be arrested (persecution), alternating pale and flushed face, muscular flaccidity and cold extremities, spermatorrhea, incontinence, and a deep pulse. –Kidney qi deficiency –Heart qi deficiency –Qi descending [Qiao]


Fire - Qi stage, Ying stage, Blood stage, Heart disturbance, Stirring Wind, Toxic heat
Deep red, crimson
Rapid, excess

Food Cravings

Overindulgence of food that is raw and cold, hot and spicy, greasy and oily, or alcohol

Food Stagnation

Rotted smell in the mouth, aversion to food, distension / distending pain in stomach, foul smelling stool, indigestion, shortness of breath, chapped lips, belching, thick yellow coating
Greasy coat
Slippery pulse
Move Qi
RN 12, PC 6, ST 36, Inner Neiting (under ST 44)
Bao He Wan

Gallbladder Foot Shaoyang Channel

pain in outer cantus • bitter taste • headaches • blurred vision • pain in axilla, jaw, lateral chest, supraclavicular fossa, hypochondrium, thigh, and lower limbs • LUO (GB-37): foot coldness • lower limb paralysis • inability to stand

Gallbladder Heat

Acute, jaundice, fever or alternating chills and fever, a bitter taste in the mouth, frequent sighing, unceasing retching, hyper-tonicity and pain below the ribs, yellow urine, bound stools, a red tongue with yellow coating, and a wiry and rapid pulse [Qiao]
Red with yellow coating
Wiry, Rapid
Clear GB heat
BL18, BL19, GB43, GB34, LI4, LI11, LV4
Xiao Chai Hu Tang, Da Chai Hu Tang, Wen Dan Tang

Gallbladder Phlegm Heat Stagnation

Dizziness, tinnitus, bitter taste in mouth, chest distress, hypochondria distention, timidness, easily startled, insomnia, and dream disturbs sleeping. Red tongue with thick yellow greasy coating, a slippery and wiry pulse[Qiao]
red, thick yellow greasy coat
wiry, slippery
Drain phlegm
4 gates, ST40, GB24, GB34, SP9, LI4, LI11, LV3, ST19, SJ6, REN12
Wen Dan Tang, Huang Lian Wen Dan Tang

Gallbladder Qi Deficiency

Dizziness, blurred vision, nervousness, timidity, propensity towards being easily startled, suspicion, lack of courage and initiative, difficulty making decisions when needed, insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, shortness of breath, pale tongue, thready and wiry pulse, or weak pulse.[Qiao]
Wiry, Thready, Weak
Tonify Qi
BL18, BL47, GB40, LV8, REN4, SP6, ST36
Ding Zhi Wan, Wen Dan Tang, An Shen Ding Zi Wan


Shortness of breath, physical and mental fatigue, a dislike talking, spontaneous sweating, sorrow and easy crying, a pale complexion, and a thin, forceless pulse, or a choppy pulse. Lung Qi Deficiency, Heart Qi Deficiency, Qi Deficiency [Qiao]
choppy, thin, weak

Half Exterior and Half Interior

Chronic disease states • Relatively longer disease duration • Chills OR Fever, Headache, Body Ache, Sneezes, Cough, Nasal Congestion or Drip
Half thick coat, half normal
Wiry, Normal
Harmonize Shao Yang
GB 41, SJ 5, LV 14, LI 4, LV 3
Xiao Chai Hu Tang

Heart and Kidney Disharmony/ Yin Xu

"With heart empty heat": Night sweating, Palpitations, Insomnia, 5 Sole heat, Weakness, Soreness of low back & knees, Sexual problems, Malar flush, Little thirst, Tinnitus, Easily startled, Anxiety, Vertigo, Anxiety, Dream disturbed sleep, Poor memory, Nocturnal emissions, Evening heat, Dry throat at night, Thirst with desire to drink in small amounts, Steaming bone, Scanty dark urine, Dry stool [Maciocia] • Palpitations, insomnia, vexation, dream disturbed sleep, dizziness, tinnitus, dry mouth, malar flush, five center heat, night sweats, weakness and aching of the lower back and knees, seminal emissions; a red tongue with little or no coating, and a thready and rapid pulse [Qiao]
Red tongue with redder tip, no coat, mid-line heart crack
Thready, Rapid, Deep, Weak, Floating, or Empty
Harmonize HT and KD, Clear empty heat, Calm Shen, Moisten dryness
BL 15, BL 23, BL 52, KD 3, KD 6, SP 6, AnMian, HT 7, PC 6, RN 14
Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan • Zhu Sha An Shen Wan • Jiao Tai Wan • Bai Zi Yang Xin Tang

Heart and Kidney Yang Deficiency

"Water overflowing to Heart": Edema in legs and ankles, cold limbs, cold back, abdominal distension, abdominal fullness, lower back pain, scanty urination, dislike cold, palpitations, breathlessness, cold hands, yin edema (below the waist), sexual problems [Maciocia] • Palpitations, edema on the face and lower extremities, scanty or difficult urination, fear of cold, cold limbs, physical and mental fatigue, sleepiness, dark and dim facial complexion and purplish lips, pale and purple tongue, a white slippery tongue coating, and a deep, faint and thready pulse[Qiao]
Ⓣ pale, purple with slippery white coat
deep, weak, slow, thready
warm/tonify HT&KD Yang
PC 6, DU 4, KD 3, BL 15, BL 23, RN 4, RN 6, RN 9, RN 14, SP 9
Shen Qi Wan, Zhen Wu Tang

Heart and Liver Blood Deficiency

Pale, Dizziness, Numbness, Palpitation, Insomnia, Dream-disturbed sleep, Poor memory, Eye problems (Blurry vision, night blindness), Scanty menses, Amenorrhea, Cramps, Muscular weakness, Dry hair, Dry skin, Depression, Brittle nails, Easily startled, Vertigo [Maciocia] • Palpitations, poor memory, insomnia, dream disturbed sleep; dry eyes, blurry vision, dry and withered nails, numbness or spasms of extremities; irritability, dizziness, tinnitus, pale facial complexion, light and scanty menstruation or amenorrhea, a pale tongue with white coating, and a thready and weak pulse [Qiao]
pale, thin
fine, choppy
Nourish Heart blood, Nourish Liver Blood, Calm shen
BL 17, BL 20, ST 36, SP 6, PC 6, BL 18, RN 14, HT 7, SP 10, LV 8
Si Wu Tang, Suan Zao Ren Tang, Gui Pi Tang, Sheng Yu Tang, Bu Gan Tang, Dang Gui Ji Xue Teng Tang

Heart and Lung Qi Deficiency

Weakness, Lack of energy, Palpitations, Weak cough / sputum / asthma, Tiredness, Dislike talking, Sighing, Spontaneous sweat, Easily catch colds, Complexion-white, SOB worse on exertion, depression, Dislike cold [Maciocia] • Palpitation, cough and panting, shortness of breath, fatigue, and symptoms worse with exertion. There are also may have chest oppression, copious thin sputum, pale facial complexion, dizziness, spontaneous sweating, weak and low voice. A pale tongue with white coating, and deep and weak pulse [qiao]
pale, white coating
deep, weak, empty (both Cun)
Tonify Heart Qi, Tonify Lung Qi, Calm Shen
BL13, BL15, BL17, BL20, LU1, PC6, RN12, RN14, SP6
Bu Fei Tang, Liu Jun Zi Tang

Heart Blood and Spleen Qi Deficiency

Pale complexion, Pale lips, Dizziness, Numbness, Palpitations, Insomnia, Dream-disturbed sleep, Poor memory, Weak muscles & limbs, Atrophy, Fatigue, Poor appetite, Anxiety, Scanty periods, Loose stool, Easily startled [Maciocia] • Palpitation, poor memory, insomnia, dream disturbs sleep; poor appetite, abdominal bloating and loose stool, fatigue; dizziness, subcutaneous bleeding, light and scanty menstruation bleeding, spotting or prolong menstruation bleeding, pale tender tongue, and a thready and weak pulse [Qiao]
pale, tender
weak, thready, thin, intermittent, choppy
Tonify Spleen Qi, Nourish Heart Blood
BL 15, BL 17, BL 20, ST 36, PC 6, SP 6, AnMian, HT 7, RN 14
Gui Pi Tang, Ba Zhen Tang, Shi Quan Da Bu Wan

Heart Blood Deficiency

Insomnia, Easily startled, Fatigue, Dream disturbed sleep, Palpitations, Dizziness, Poor memory, Vertigo, Anxiety, Pallor, Restless organ syndrome (excessive anxiety), blurry vision [Maciocia] • palpitation, insomnia, dream disturbed sleeping, dizziness, blurry vision, poor memory, dull pale complexion, pale lips and tongue, feeble and thin pulse [Qiao]
pale, slightly dry, thin
choppy, fine, thin, weak, feeble
Nourish Heart Blood, Calm Shen
GENERAL: PC6, BL15, BL17, BL20 ,RN14, SP6, ST36, HT7, An Mian [Maciocia] • Maciocia, REN4 [Qiao] • PALPITATIONS: add PC6, REN17 • FATIGUE: add REN6, REN6, REN12, BL23 • INSOMNIA: add HT5, HT6, An Mian • POOR MEMORY: add Si Shen Cong, BL23, KD6 • VERTIGO: add DU20, GB20 • ANXIETY: add PC5, HT9, DU20, LV3
GENERAL: Si Wu Tang [Maciocia] • Shen Qi Si Wu Tang [Qiao] • PALPITATIONS: Dan Shen Si Wu Tang, Gui Pi Tang, Zhi Can Cao Tang [Qiao] • FATIGUE: Si Wu Tang [Qiao] • POOR MEMORY: Gui Pi Tang [Qiao] • RESTLESS ORGAN: Gan Mai Da Zao Tang [Qiao] • INSOMNIA: Suan Zao Ren Tang, Gui Pi Tang [Qiao] • VIRTIGO: Huang Qi Si Wu Tang [Qiao]

Heart Fire Ascending

Mental restlessness, Vexation, Insomnia, Dream disturbed sleep, Red face, Thirst w/ desire to drink cold water, Ulceration and pain of mouth and tongue, Heat sensation in chest, Dark urine, Bloody urine, Hesitant painful urination if severe, Bitter taste after poor sleep [Maciocia] • Vexation and hot sensation in chest, irritability, agitated, insomnia, flushed face, thirst and preference of drinking water, yellow urine, dry stool, deep red tongue tip, or tongue ulcers, rapid and forceful pulse. Or manic behavior, delirium, or even hemtemesis, nose bleeding [Qiao]
red, red prickles, yellow coat, midline crack to lips, sores
rapid, hasty
Clear Heart fire, Calm shen
LI 4, LI 11, DU 14, RN 3, HT 7
Xie Xin Tang • Qing Xin Tang • Dao Chi San

Heart Fire Transmitting to Small Intestine

Fever that is higher during the night and mild during the day, insomnia, restless, canker sores, dry mouth, thirst and preference for cold drink, scanty dark urine with burning pain, deep red tongue; and a forceful and rapid pulse [Qiao]
deep red, dry
forceful, rapid
drain fire, restore urinary function

Heart Hand Shao Yin Channel

palpitations • dry throat • palm heat • night sweats • cardiac pain • hypochondriac pain • thirst • insomnia • problems along medial upper arm • LUO (HT-05):aphasia • chest fullness • diaphragm fullness

Heart Phlegm Fire

Mental confusion, Mania, Aggressive behavior, Insomnia, Dream-disturbed sleep, Flushed face, Coarse breathing, Constipation, Dark urine, Fever, Fidgeting, Wheezing, Gurgling sound in throat, Thick yellow sputum, Delirium, Aimless wandering, Palpitations, Thirst [Maciocia] • Flushed face, fever, thirst, harsh breathing, fidget, mania, restlessness, slurred speech, delirium, rattling sound in throat, yellow sputum, constipation, dark yellow urine. Insomnia, vexation, incoherent speech, uncontrolled laughing or cry, muttering shouting, manic behavior. Red tongue, greasy yellow coating, a slippery pulse. [Qiao]
red tongue, yellow greasy sticky coat
rapid, slippery, forceful
drain fire, clear phlegm, calm shen
DU14, HT7, LI4, LI11, ST40
Huang Lian Wen Dan Tang

Heart Qi Deficiency

palpitations, pale complexion, spontaneous sweating, mild depression, sob-worse with exertion, fatigue, chest pain, insomnia, forgetfulness, fright [Maciocia] • palpitation, oppression in the chest, shortness of breath worse with exertion, listlessness, fatigue, pale face, spontaneous sweating, a pale tongue with white coating, a weak pulse, or a knotted, intermittent pulse [Qiao]
pale, white coat
empty, knotted, abrupt, rapid but no strength
Tonify Heart Qi
BL15, HT5, PC6, REN6, REN17
GENERAL: Bao Yuan Tang [33] • Yang Xin Tang [32] • PALPITATIONS: Si Jun Xi Tang, Huang Qi [32] • INSOMNIA: Bao Yuan Tang, Gui Pi Tang [32] • CHEST PAIN: Sheng Mai San, Shen Fu Tang [32] • FATIGUE: Shen Mai San, Si Jun Zi Tang [32] • POOR MEMORY: Gui Pi Tang [32]

Heart Vessel Obstruction

ⓢPalpitation, oppression and pain in the chest that radiate to the shoulder, back and medial aspect of the upper arms. BY BLOOD STASIS - Sharp, pricking or stabbing pain, worse at night Ⓣ purple Ⓟ choppy, thready. BY PHLEGM - Oppression, chocking pain, overweight body, profuse phelgm, Ⓣ white greasy coating Ⓟ slippery. BY COLD - acute severe pain, relieved by warms, hate cold, cold limbs Ⓣ pale Ⓟ deep, slow, tight. BY QI YU - distending pain, worse with stress, hypochondriac distention Ⓣslight red Ⓟ wiry[Qiao,32]
varies by pathogen
varies by pathogen
dispel phlegm and blood stasis
BLOOD STASIS: Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang, Tong Qiao Huo Xue Tang. PHLEGM: Gua Lou Xie Bai Ban Xia Tang. COLD: Gua Lou Xie Bai Bai Jiu Tang. Qi: Mu Xiang Liu Qi Yin [Qiao,32]

Heart with Water Qi Encroaching

Palpitations, shortness of breath, chest tightness and oppression, edema, difficult urination, thirst but no desire to drink, nausea, vomiting, poor appetite, panting, dizziness, cold limbs, pale tongue, deep pulse. TWO SUBTYPES: Thin Mucus Obstructing the Heart (饮阻于心,productive cough with profuse white foaming phlegm, oppression and tightness in the chest, in ability to lie down flat, facial edema), Water-Dampness Invading Upward (水湿上犯,Whole-body edema worse in the lower extremities, abdominal bloating and distention, scanty or difficult urination, pale and flabby tongue, deep, slow and deficient pulse). [Qiao]
pale, white slippery coating
Thin Mucus(饮阻于心) - Warm and transform mucus, promote and invigorate HT yang • (Water Dampness)水湿上犯- warm and tonify SP and KD yang, move Qi and promote urination
Thin Mucus(饮阻于心) - Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang • Water dampness(水湿上犯)- Zhen Wu Tang

Heart Yang Collapse

Palpitations, Lips-cyanosis, Severe chest pain, Complexion-gray/pale, Coma, Persistent profuse pearl-like sweating, Cold limbs, SOB, Shallow breathing, Yang collapse symptoms [Maciocia] • Developed from heart yang deficiency, suddenly profuse cold sweating (pearl-like sweating), cold extremities, feeble and sallow breathing, pale complexion, or severe pain in the chest area, cyanosis of lips, scatter or minute pulse. In severe case, patient lost consciousness or in coma [Qiao]
pale, purple, blue, short
hidden, scattered, minute, faint, irregular
Rescue Heart Yang, Restore consciousness, Stop Sweating
GENERAL: REN4, REN8, REN6, DU14, DU20, DU4, BL23, ST36, BL15, PC06, Moxa [Maciocia] • Marciocia, BL20 [Qiao]
Shen Fu Tang [Maciocia] • Maciocia, Du Shen Tang, Sheng Mai San [Qiao]

Heart Yang Deficiency

palpitations, fatigue, spontaneous sweating, chest pain, slight depression, sob-exertion worse, cold sensation, cold limbs, cold intolerance - better with warmth, dark lips, pale complexion, ankle and feet edema [Maciocia] • Palpitation, oppression and distress or pain in the chest, intolerance of cold, cold limbs, SOB, fatigue, listlessness, bright-pale face, spontaneous sweating, a pale flabby tongue with white slippery coating, a minute, or knotted, intermittent pulse, or a deep, slow and weak pulse. There are may edema in ankle and feet [Qiao]
pale, flabby, moist white coating
weak, deep, minute, knotted, intermittent
Tonify Heart Yang
GENERAL: PC6, REN17, REN6, HT5, DU14, BL15 [Maciocia] • PALPITATIONS: add HT06, HT07, HT08, REN14, BL19 [Qiao] • CHEST PAIN: add HT07, BL44, REN04, DU20 [Qiao] • FATIGUE: REN03, REN04, REN05, REN06, REN12, BL20, BL23, DU04 [Qiao]
GENERAL: Rou Fu Bao Yuan Tang [Maciocia] • Shen Fu Tang, Bao Yuan Tang [Qiao] • PALPITATIONS: add Si Jun Zi Tang + Huang Qi • CHEST PAIN: add Sheng Mai San + Shen Fu Tang • FATIGUE: Sheng Mai San + Si Jun Zi Tang

Heart Yin and Yang Deficiency

Palpitations, Cold sensation, Cold limbs, Poor memory, Malar flush, Mental restlessness, chest fullness, SOB, Easily startled [Maciocia]
pale if Yang xu > Yin xu, red/no coating if Yin xu > yang Xu
floating, empty, weak
nourish HT yin, calm Shen, clear false heat, moisten dryness
PC 6, BL 15, BL 52, RN 14, KD 3, KD 6, An Mian, HT 7, SP 6
Liu Wei Di Huang Wan, Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan

Heart Yin Deficiency

insomnia, dream disturbed sleep, fever in the afternoon or evenings, dry throat, dry skin, dry eyes, mental restlessness, 5 sole heat, night sweating, bloody cough, anxiety, palpitations, vertigo [Maciocia] • palpitation, insomnia, dream disturbs sleeping, feverish sensation in the five center, irritability, night sweating, hectic cheek, fever in the afternoon or evening, dry throat, red tongue with little coating, a thready and rapid pulse [Qiao]
red, no coat, deep midline crack to lips
thready/rapid, floating/empty
nourish HT Yin, calm Shen, clear empty heat, moisten dryness
GENERAL: PC 6, BL 15, BL 52, RN 14, KD 3, KD 6, An Mian, HT 7, SP 6 [Maciocia] • Maciocia -K3 + HT6,DU14,KD7 [Qiao] • PALPITATIONS: +REN17 [Qiao] • INSOMNIA: +An Mian[Qiao] • FATIGUE: +ST36, REN4, REN6
Liu Wei Di Huang Wan, Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan [Maciocia] • Huang Lian E Jiao Tang, Bu Xin Tang [Qiao] • PALPITATIONS/INSOMNIA: Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan [Qiao] • FATIGUE: Sheng Mai San [Qiao]


Insomnia, inability to concentrate, palpitations. In severe cases, the patient may present with incoherent speech, erratic or manic behaviors such as disorientation or mental confusion, or abnormal and constant laughing without reason.[Qiao]

Jue Yin Disease

Fullness in the upper abdomen or a sensation of gas rumbling upward (running piglet qi), thirst, feeling of air rushing up to the chest, burning and painful sensation in chest area (heartburn), hunger but no desire to eat, cold limbs, loose stool, vomiting, or vomiting with round worms after eating. [Qiao]
harmonize, clears heat from above, warms cold below, expels worms[Qiao]
Wu Mei Wan

Kidney and Liver Yin Xu

Night sweating, 5 Sole heat, Malar flush, Little thirst, Burning pain in hypochondrium, Eye problems, Tinnitus, Weakness, Soreness of low back & knees, Sexual problems, Bitter taste, Dry mouth and throat, Constipation, Occipital headache, Vertex headache, Limb numbness/tingling, Scanty menses, Delayed menses, Infertility, Insomnia, Dry stool, Dizziness, Tinnitus, Dry hair, Dry skin, Brittle nails, Dry vagina, Night sweats, Diminished hearing, amenorrhea [Maciocia] • dizziness or vertigo, blurry vision, tinnitus, poor memory, dry mouth and throat, insomnia, dream disturbed sleep, hypochondriac pain, knee and lower back aching and weakness, five center heat sensation, night sweating, hectic fever. Spermtorrhea in male, and scanty and short menstruation for female. A red tongue or crack tongue, with scanty coating, a thin and wiry pulse [Qiao]
red, dry, no coat, or normal
thready, rapid, weak, wiry, floating-empty
nourish LV and KD yin, nourish body fluids
BL 18, BL 23, BL 52, KD 3, KD 6, LV 3, SP 6
Yi Guan Jian, Qi Ju Di Huang Wan, Zuo Gui Wan